Over 12 years now, I have been part of the Legacy family. I came to this club with no experience, I’ve grown as an athlete, coach and as a person thanks to Legacy. Not only have I learnt the skills required in a routine, I’ve learnt skills that I can use throughout life- teamwork, dedication and perseverance. However, the most important thing that I will take away from Legacy is if I want to achieve something, I need to be willing to work hard and no matter the struggles I face never give up!
Legacy have a great group of coaches who are passionate and supportive of every individual- teaching you to always believe in yourself. Through moments of highs and lows, the legacy coaches have been there to congratulate and celebrate my achievements, and have lent a shoulder for the tougher times. Their endless encouragement, never ending support and patience when my anxiety got the better of me and mental blocks stopped me achieving, I am forever thankful and grateful for.
Though I’ve helped to coach many of the Legacy teams, I can truly say coaching the mini team has been incredible. Teaching these little ones a routine can be challenging but the reward of coaching them outweigh this! They’re a joy to teach; their smiles when they perform, their excitement when getting a new skill and their bond as a team, these girls have given me my true passion for coaching.
Legacy has been part of my life for many years and although I’m going my separate way in the upcoming year or so, the memories will keep me going until I return. Thank you Legacy for everything you’ve taught me, I wouldn’t have chosen to be part of any other big crazy family!!
Aliyah Hopkins - athlete and team coach